Dr. Andrews' Media

• Nuclear Verdicts, TIDA Judicial Fairness, Summer 2022.
• Today’s Jury Psychology and Defense Strategies, DRI, September 2021.
• Andrews, C. (2017). Understanding Your Audience.Defense Research Institute.
• Andrews, C. (2015). Mock Jury Research. Attorney at Law Magazine.
• Andrews, C. (2014). Witness Effectiveness Training. In Inside and Outside the Jury Box: Effective Trial Strategies, IICLE.
• Andrews, C. (2010). Facing Jurors in a Recession. Litigation Commentary & Review.
• Andrews, C. (2009). Shadow Juries: Benefits and Limitations. In Trial by Jury. New York: Practising Law Institute.
• Andrews, C. (2009). Juror Perceptions of Environmental and Toxic Tort Litigation. The Environmental Litigator.
• Andrews, C. (2009). Best Asbestos Jury Selection Ideas. Defense Research Institute.
• Andrews, C. (2009). The Value of Research for ADR, American Bar Association.
• Andrews, C. (2008). The Supplemental Juror Questionnaire as Special Weapon in Voir Dire, In Trial by Jury. New York: Practising Law Institute.
• Andrews, C. (2008). Voir Dire Strategies for Success. Defense Research Institute.
• Andrews, C. (2006). Damages and Voir Dire. DRI; White paper.
• Andrews, C. (2006). Mock Trials and Surveys for Analyzing Damages. DRI; White paper.
• Andrews, C. (2005). Making the Most of Voir Dire: Illustrating Techniques through Three Typical Cases. The Advocate.
• Andrews, C. (2005). Trial Consulting: Moving Psychology into the Courtroom, In Life after Graduate School in Psychology (pp. 257-274). New York: Psychology Press.
• Andrews, C. (2005). Getting the Most out of Mock Jury Research. The Jury Expert.
• Andrews, C. (2005). Benefits, Risks and Misperceptions of Mock Trials and Shadow Juries. Federation of Defense Corporate Counsel.
• Andrews, C. (2002). Common Hurdles in Labor and Employment Cases: Strategic Solutions for Jury Trials. HR Advisor.
• Kludt (Andrews), C. (2000). Pain Perception in Two Immunologically Distinct Subgroups of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research.
• Kludt (Andrews), C. & Perlmuter, L. (2002). Effects of Control and Motivation on Treatment Outcome. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 31(4).